Mod Name: Skin Texture Plus - Female
Install: Install
Manual Download: Install
Author: Lumenia
Downloads: 90

PSA: This is not a NSFW mod!

For comparison:

This is a side project to update the skin textures for female human characters, to add more details and define the parts of the body, without breaking the graphical immersion. The style of choice is more of a "toned" look than heavily muscular like the vanilla skin texture.

Currently does not work with the skinless tights due to tights option using a different texture file. I'll add that into the mod sometime later. Other than that, it works with the majority of the costume parts!

May6/24 - Reworked upper chest area with a goal to define the cleavage to be more accurate with majority of the tops. Reworked ribs to widen the stomach and rib crack.