Mod Name: Beam Rifle - Sound Compilation
Install: Install
Manual Download: Install
Author: DregnRyder
Downloads: 185
Description: This is a compilation of the different sounds that I liked from all the other Beam Rifle mods on here.

All credit goes to these authors, I just did the mashup.

Also, I may credit someone that also borrowed from others. I have no idea whose mod came first (they all show a publish date of 10-14-2022), so I just went by alphabetical order. My apologies in advance if this is wrong.

BR_ChargedShot_Attack_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Movie SFX Mod)

BR_CuttingBeam_Attack_01.ogg (Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX for Beam Rifle)
BR_CuttingBeam_Hit_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Movie SFX Mod)

BR_Disintegrate_Attack_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Kata-mashup!)
BR_Disintegrate_HitContinuing_Loop.ogg (Beam Rifle (Original Game Sounds))

BR_Equip_01.ogg (Beam Rifle (Original Game Sounds))

BR_LancerShot_Attack_01.ogg (Star Wars Beam Rifle)

BR_Overcharge_Attack_01.ogg (Star Wars Beam Rifle)
BR_Overcharge_Hit_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Movie SFX Mod)

BR_PenetratingRay_Chargeup_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Movie SFX Mod)
BR_PenetratingRay_Attack_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Movie SFX Mod)

BR_PiercingBeam_Attack_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Kata-mashup!)

BR_SingleShot_Attack_01.ogg (Beam Rifle Kata-mashup!)