Mod Name: Mastermind (Thugs) - Bullet Sounds
Install: Install
Manual Download: Install
Author: DregnRyder
Downloads: 211
Description: This is a sound replacer for the Mastermind Thug powerset, specifically for Pistols, Dual Wield, and Empty Clips.

The original sounds were more like cap guns going off than actual guns IMO. This is a much deeper and heavier sound. The sound files are a direct pull from the awesome "Ambassador Dual Pistols" mod by Michiyo (they are akin to a .44 Caliber Magnum being fired).

The reason this is needed is because the MM Thugs archetype pulls from a different sound library than the Blaster / Corruptor / Defender / Sentinel Dual Pistols archetype - therefore Michiyo's mod was not working for us MM's. But now the sounds do! LET YOUR BULLETS RAIN BROTHERS!