Mod Name: Chat Ranges PopMenu Install: Install Manual Download: Download Author: CrystalDragon Downloads: 444 Description: This popmenu provides chat ranges for speak & listen distances on scales ranging from 5 to 100. I made this popmenu a while back as a means to clean up my bars, using the commands of the chat listen and speak ranges. New option: Reset The new option resets your listen/speak values to the zone defaults for every map in the game. UPDATED, Version "HOW DO I RESET" PLEASE CHECK VERSION NOTES ON FORUM Setup: From chat: /popmenu Chatranges Known bug; Chat interference with different ranges set on multiboxed accounts. It may appear as if you were muted by your other account, or to those chatting in listen range. Strongly suggested for single login account users until I've nailed that bug to the wall. If you run into any problems with this mod, please send me a global tell so I can try and figure out a fix or can offer assistance in guidance. @Crystal Dragon or on the HC forum thread for the mod. Thank you, and enjoy! This mod was made possible thanks to @Kataklysm, @Mcspazzy, @BlackSpecter Thank you guys for all the suggestions, tips and advice along the way! |